WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

5. Over-The-Top Set Pieces

WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain

Simulation lovers, hold onto your hats, 'cause here comes another chapter in this fan's endless crusade against it. 2K's WWE titles are video games. We know, ol' Captain Obvious has reared his ugly head. It's worth pointing out though, if only because 2K don't seem to realise this means they're not bogged down by the same rules that govern reality.

THQ knew the score here. In SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain, they let wrestlers scale the old fist set piece at the entrance and then jump off it. Did characters die like they probably would in real life? No, of course not. It happened in a fantasy land, and it was all the better for that lack of consequences and freedom to perform ludicrous stunts.

Hell In A Cell matches have suffered in WWE games this generation too; they're not over-the-top, blood-soaked and barmy brawls that have wrestlers crashing through announce tables one minute and scaling the cage again the next. Why not!? This isn't reality, so there's no need to play by its rules.

2K20 has to make a point of encouraging the exaggerated and outrageous.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.