WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

4. Actual Emphasis On eSports

WWE 2K19 Million Dollar Challenge

Log onto 2K's servers for a 'quick' (ha) game of 2K19 and you'll be met with disappointment. Instead of offering an open hub world of interactivity with other like-minded gamers who love them some wrestling, there's a fairly empty, barren world of humdrum one-on-one matches and...well, it's all a missed opportunity, shall we say.

In an era of eSports players earning fortunes by becoming very damn good at their video game of choice, this represents a glaring miss for 2K. 2K20 then has to offer better engagement for those who enjoy playing competitively. Those folks shouldn't be fighting against buggy servers or playing a slow game of rest holds and strikes before they can bust out the big finishers.

That'd be like telling FIFA's best players they're not allowed to shoot until they string together a Barca '09-level 25-pass move in the build up.

The system needs an overhaul, and it needs it badly. Last year's 'Million Dollar Challenge' (slightly worked or otherwise like some people online suspected) should have shown the way. 2K have the chance to get the eSports community on board.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.