WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

7. It'll Be Outdated Weeks After Release

WWE 2K20
2K Games/WWE

2K have a job on their hands other annual dev teams don't. In other sports games, developers know little will change once they put out their product, at least not for a good while. For example, EA know Premier League teams in FIFA aren't going to suddenly change kits in January. They'll wear the same uniforms all season.

In WWE land, things are ever-changing, and that poses a unique problem for 2K. By the time fans have rattled through some matches in 2K20 and sampled some of the modes, the game will be out of date. Someone will have changed hairstyle, ring attire or gimmick, and their in-game model will thus be rendered obsolete.

Of course, they could remedy this with a robust live update service and a team of dedicated workers who keep things up-to-the-minute.

A 'WWE Live' service is a must. If it's not there in 2K20, then the game will once again suffer from wrestling's dynamic need to change. Today's WWE games are outdated a few weeks after release, and that won't stop happening until 2K have a plan.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.