WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

5. Random Stars Are Hidden Behind A Pay Wall

WWE 2K19 Ricochet
2K Games

Talent like EC3, Lio Rush, Ricochet, The Viking Raiders and Bobby Lashley were all locked in as DLC for WWE 2K19. They didn't come as part of the package on-disc, which annoyed some fans; it's totally fine for 2K to shove new wrestlers who have only just joined WWE in as post-release downloadables, but Lashley had been in the company since April 2018.

That was six months before 2K19 hit shelves. Unacceptable.

There's a sneaky drive to hide some stars behind a pay wall so the developers can recoup even more money from hungry fans in search of more characters. Again, this is forgiveable if they're bonus models, but less so if they're already part of the core WWE roster. Unfortunately, this is one gaming trend that won't go away any time soon.

In 2K20, there will be some characters kept back from the on-disc crew so 2K can flaunt them as pre-order specials or DLC after the fact. Knowing this going in leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. DLC's purpose is to offer extra, not something fans should already have.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.