WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Innovations We Need To See

9. Total Freedom When Editing In-Game Models

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2K Games

Pop 2K19 into your console of choice and you'll see Baron Corbin's thinning hairline on the character select menus staring back at you. This is avoidable in 2019; back in the day, gamers were more forgiving when things gradually became outdated. Not so now. People demand that things are up-to-the-minute, and rightly so.

2K need to add some in-game clippers so Baron has that shaven-head chic.

On that note, it'd actually be excellent if 2K could give players complete freedom when it comes to editing pre-existing in-game models. Keeping the original template but adding some extra slots for those who want to jazz things up sounds like a laugh. Who doesn't want to see Corbin with some dreadlocks, or with that old 'Y2J' pony?

For the more serious fans out there, this could be essential. It'd let everyone keep the models bang up to date and help stave off those awkward times post-release when WWE stars get a haircut or shave their beards.

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WWE 2K20
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.