WWE 2K20: 10 Most Likely Showcase Modes

5. The Hardy Boyz

WWE 2K20
2K Games/WWE

It's almost 20 years since The Hardy Boyz won their first tag-team gold in 1999. Two decades of tag domination, big bumps, sometimes-good-sometimes-average singles runs, stints outside WWE and one colossal comeback at WrestleMania 33 sound ideal for Showcase.

The thing that'd make this one unique is that 2K might fancy throwing in some singles bouts for both Matt and Jeff. Why not? They've succeeded on their own at times, and they even feuded back in 2009 for a spell. If 2K think incorporating all of that is a bit too ambitious, then we wouldn't scoff at solely skimming through their time as one of wrestling's best brother tag-teams.

Playing as either sibling in that No Mercy 1999 tag ladder-fest, or guiding the bros through iconic matches like SummerSlam 2000 and 'Mania X-Seven's TLC classics would be epic. Then, there's a massive nine tag title reigns (including WCW's) to get through.

One request, 2K: put Lita in there for some old-school Team Xtreme antics.

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