WWE 2K20: 10 Most Likely Showcase Modes

4. John Cena

WWE 2K20
2K Games/WWE

Word life.

John Cena's return to the 'Dr. Thuganomics' persona at 'Mania 35 to put Elias in his place has us wondering if WWE were thinking ahead to late-2019. What if Cena's nostalgic rap reprise was there to fan the flames of excitement for 2K20? Stranger things have happened, and Cena is at the stage in his career where sentimentality is the law.

The boos that burned his ears as he sprinted to the ring a few years ago have given way to cheers. Cena has slid into that Hulk Hogan or Steve Austin role. He's a part-time attraction who shows up to deliver some catchphrases, a few signature moves and pose for the fans who live vicariously through WWE's nod towards the good old days.

Cena was part of Daniel Bryan's Showcase, but he's yet to get one of his own. 2K20 may well be the game that changes that. He was there during 'Ruthless Aggression', he strolled through WWE's change from Attitude to PG and he's a company legend who deserves one more run on the front cover of 2K's video game series.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.