WWE 2K20: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

3. Braun Strowman

WWE 2K20
2K Games

Predicted Rating: 92

It's been a strange year for Braun Strowman. People do take Braun seriously as a threat, and he is over. Somehow, that hasn't all equated to title success. The good news? You'll be able to put that right in 2K20, because Braun will be one of the game's best.

89 never felt high enough for him in 2K19. This time, despite the troubles his character has had lately, 2K have the chance to put things right. To hell with WWE creative and their senseless booking of the big man. He's a powerhouse like few others, and his brute strength, look and affinity for set piece bumps makes him ideal for video games.

92, please.

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