WWE 2K20: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

2. Roman Reigns

WWE 2K20
2K Games

Predicted Rating: 93

Surprised? Few will be.

Becky Lynch's cover cohort Roman Reigns had a 92 rating in last year's game. The bold prediction here is that 2K will reflect his box art status by raising that a point to 93, thus making Roman the second-best wrestler in the game overall.

There's zero chance he's dropping outside the top two or three. Reigns, whether some like it or not, is a stick-on success in WWE video games. 2K know it, he knows it, WWE know it, fans know it. Everybody knows it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.