WWE 2K21: 10 Improvements It Must Make On 2K20
A product to be proud of. Or else...

WWE 2K20 tried to offer a feel good, fun MyCareer story with fresh and interesting characters. It tried to replace the vast chasm left by Yuke's and rebuild the series from the ground up. It tried to offer an enjoyable take on modern-day WWE life. 2K's work failed on all those counts.
2K20, if you've been living under a rock, was a disaster.
Nothing went right for 2K, but they can't hide behind the word 'tried' here. They knowingly launched a buggy mess into the ether and then acted surprised when negativity rained down upon them from all corners of the gaming world. 2K20 was the very definition of a cash grab, and it should never have been released.
After that catastrophe, the only way is up. Next year's 2K21 has a lot of begging to do if it's going to convince an angry fanbase to part with more cash, and they need to start with the basics. The overall engine needs an overhaul, and so does 2K's stale presentation.
If (and it's a big if), people are willing to forgive, then these are just some of the improvements they need to see from a developer currently sucking wind...