WWE 2K21: 10 Ways To Save A Dying Franchise

6. GM Mode

WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2008 GM Mode

To quote Chris Jericho, certain fans will "never, everrrrrr" stop talking about this.

It might be shrewd for 2K to peel back on features like Originals, Universe Mode, Towers or any other new bells and whistles they've added in recent years. Instead, they could placate a whole load of folks by giving them that sought-after GM Mode. It's become the Holy Grail of WWE gaming anyway.

Think of this one as a peace offering of sorts. As fickle as it is, some sharpening their daggers over 2K20 would start to wet their panties instead if 2K came out and said, 'Hey guys, GM Mode is back!'. Yes, it's a short-term solution. No, the importance of those to 2K and VC's cause shouldn't be overlooked right now.

Fans have whinged and whined about the lack of GM Mode since it disappeared following SmackDown vs. Raw 2008. Indeed, there's always been a section of the core customer base who resent 2K for never following up on THQ's hard work.

This is their chance.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.