WWE 2K21: 10 Ways To Save A Dying Franchise

7. Streamline The Controls

WWE 2K20 Controls
2K Games

The controls in WWE video games have become insanely complex over the years. Nobody can sit there with a straight face and claim that 2K19 wasn't a chore to play at times, and yet those same folks would shout until they were blue in the face about how 2K20 ruined everything by switching the scheme up.

Fans hated 2K20's remapped controls.

2K21 is 2K's chance to streamline everything and make controls simple, intuitive and easy for everyone to pick-up-and-play. All those contextual prompts, mini-games and quick-time-events are overwhelming, and they have been for years now. It's high time the developers scrapped everything before these games start to turn into some modern-day version of WWF Attitude.

An entire legion of young children are alienated by the way 2K has stacked up control sheets. It's too much, and it makes these games feel more like a test than fun entertainment. Being able to play a few matches with someone who isn't a console veteran would be nice.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.