WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

2. Next-Gen Could Be Left Behind

WWE 2K22

Gilmore's AMA laid out 2K's plans to focus on last-gen hardware before making the leap to systems like the PS5 and Xbox Series X. As soon as yours truly read that, he started to palm his own forehead and wonder if this was another almighty botch from a developer that seems addicted to them.

What if PS5 and Series X owners can only play WWE 2K22 via backwards compatibility? What if the graphics aren't up to snuff for newer consoles by the time it comes out? What if 2K22 has technical issues like CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 did, only in reverse? Those are all valid, and unnerving, questions.

2K's recent output doesn't exactly inspire confidence here.

Sony and Microsoft's latest systems will have been out for a good year by the time 2K22 hits store shelves and online marketplaces. That 12-month bedding in period could make the next WWE title feel archaic before it even launches. That's...not a nice thought.

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WWE 2K22
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.