WWE 2K22: 10 Reasons To Be Worried

3. It Won’t Have THQ’s GM Mode

WWE 2K22

Many in the gaming community generally agree that 2K could sell 2K22 solely on the basis of some retro-ish GM Mode. It's hard to argue with that, 'cause GM has topped fan wishlists for years now, and people are choking to play authority figure again.

They have been since THQ perfected the mode in SmackDown vs. Raw 2008.

It disappeared after that, and has become the wrestling video game Holy Grail ever since. However, it does seem that fans are blind to one thing: 2K Games are not THQ. They'll have their own ideas about how a General Manager feature should work. They might even integrate it into the tired Universe Mode like some sort of Teddy Long-shaped leech.

It's unrealistic to expect 2K22's GM Mode to look exactly like one from 2007. Some panic merchants on social media are even fretting about the possibility of microtransactions that'd completely spoil the experience from the off.

Please no.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.