WWE 2K22: 10 Things 2K Must Get Right

5. The Online Suite

Edge WWE 2K22
2K Sports

Right, this is a biggie.

Straight up competitive online play is dull, dull, dull. It's also unlikely that most who play WWE games actually care about topping leaderboards for most matches won or any of that b*llocks. 2K must find new ways to keep gamers busy in the lobbies, and give those playing online more of a community vibe.

One YouTuber (yours truly couldn't find the video) suggested little mini-games like designing the best championship. Then, after a short time limit of 10 minutes or so, everyone compares and votes on the best one. That might sound daft, but it's way more interesting than mind-numbing strings of endless matches.

WWE's world offers more than headlocks and pinfalls when one scratches beneath the surface. Failing that title idea, how about letting players work together to put on the best match possible. Obviously, that's a kayfabe-ruiner, but...does anybody really care about that sort of thing in 2021?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.