WWE 2K22: 10 Things 2K Must Get Right

6. Gameplay Balance

Edge WWE 2K22
2K Games

2K are touting a brand new gameplay engine that's been purpose-built from the ground up. That sounds great and all, but it'll be wasted effort if they don't hit the gas pedal and speed the tempo of general gameplay up just a smidgen. Why does it have to be so slow anyway!?

Nobody's suggesting that wrestlers should no-sell everything, or roll out of finishers like they did in SmackDown 2. Nah - some pace and zip would be nice though. These games have been far too sluggish for way too long. Moving characters is akin to walking through a mud bath, and it's tedious.

Weight and impact of movement is fine, but 2K could do with moving the sliders up a notch when it comes to match speed. Striking a balance between sim elements the series has become known for and the more arcade-y feel of timeless faves like No Mercy or HCTP would be awesome.

This is something they've surely spent some time on.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.