WWE 2K22: 10 Things GM Mode Must Get Right

2. Storylines/Curveballs

WWE 2K22 GM Mode

Managing brands like Raw or SmackDown shouldn't be plain sailing. You shouldn't, for example, get everything your own way 100% of the time - the joy of management sims comes from hurdling over obstacles and overcoming different challenges.

In WWE 2K22's GM Mode, that could equate to dealing with curveballs that are thrown your way as carefully-packaged storylines. Imagine a top star was struck down with injury right before a major pay-per-view match. What would you do? Finding the right replacement could satisfy the audience, but putting the wrong worker in that spot might infuriate them.

Then, there are those oh-so-familiar Vinnie Mac whims.

The boss may decree that Superstar A would be better off on Brand B at short notice. He might want Becky Lynch on Raw rather than SmackDown, and give the blue brand an emerging tag-team to build instead. That'd force you to reframe your broadcasts around the tag belts rather than Bex.

Just an idea.

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