WWE 2K22: 10 Things GM Mode Must Get Right

3. The Choice Of Depth

WWE 2K22 GM Mode

EA don't exactly nail it all the time, but the options open to players before starting a Career in games like FIFA are rather nice. Being able to furnish your club's coffers with £500m or deciding how intense the board are about completing preset objectives is lovely, and it's something 2K should borrow for their WWE titles.

They could go further with it as well.

Before launching a stint as GM, gamers would be able to choose just how in-depth the mode is. Do you want to see overall ratings for the show as a whole and that's it? Or, would you rather trawl through breakdowns for each quarter hour and look through demographic charts to see what's clicking with whom?

Some players may be overwhelmed with spreadsheets and too much info, so it'd be smart to add in customisable depth options. A few fans may just fancy booking shows and playing an on-rails experience rather than deciding on pernickety things like ticket prices or new merch designs.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.