WWE 2K22: 10 Things We Already Know

8. Controls Will Be Simplified

WWE 2K20
2K Games

VC, in particular, fancy creating a new "philosophical foundation" for the controls in 2K22.

Gilmore believes it's important to be "smarter" about how the controls work, and says he dreams of a world in which even most inexperienced players can "pull off awesome moves" without much work. Fiddly contextual controls have indeed been a massive problem for this series over the years.

Anyone hoping that 2K will lift the schemes from old-school favourites like Here Comes The Pain or No Mercy will be disappointed though. The team aren't aiming to do that at all. Instead, they want to marry touches from those games (picking out the most intuitive of their controls) with the context-heavy action seen in 2K's most recent efforts.

The way physics work in-game is also something they're keen to re-work. Gilmore revealed that physics will be leveraged to favour "spectacular gameplay" without sacrificing any control. Those pesky button prompt and quick time event moments are out, in other words.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.