WWE 2K22: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

WWE 2K22 is bursting with options. MyGM, MyRise, AEW downloads - here's what to do first!

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games/YouTube/Uzzy

What do you do when booting up a brand new WWE video game for the first time?

Maybe jump straight into a standard one-on-one bout to test your skills and see what's changed with the core gameplay? Or, if you're more into the CAW side of things, perhaps you head right to the creation suite and start crafting that ultra-detailed Chris Jericho model.

Or, you could be the kind of player who hits up the options and turns blood on immediately. After all, who wants to play PG matches when there's claret to spill?!

2K22 has a ton to offer when you first launch the game. There's an obvious starting point (which kicks off this list), but there's so much else to experience beyond that. Honestly, even series veterans will be kept rather busy by all of the treats lurking beneath those tarted-up menus.

WWE's latest isn't just a simple re-skin like it was in previous years, and that's very, very pleasing to report. Here's where you should sink your time first - you'll learn, you'll explore and you'll have fun. F.U.N. It's about time, eh?

10. Drew Gulak’s Tutorial

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games

First stop: Coach Gulak's classroom!

Yes, WWE 2K22's tutorial section is off-the-wall, but it's a neat way to get to grips with some of the new systems. In particular, learning how to exploit breakers on light and heavy strikes or grapples is essential. Don't skip that bit, because matches will be frustrating if you do.

Gulak proves to be a charming host as he takes players through the various changes 2K has made to the core gameplay experience this year. Best of all, his 'beginner's guide' doesn't kick the arse out of things or overstay its welcome. It's in, learn, out for this tutorial, which is all anyone can really ask for.

Again, give it a bash. If you don't, then you'll be hammering the reversal button wondering why some strikes and moves are seemingly irreversible. They aren't - you're just hitting the wrong prompt. Sitting under Gulak's learning tree is must-play stuff for everyone this year.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.