WWE 2K22: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

6. Upload Your Own CAW

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games

Besides, you can always contribute yourself.

There's something cool about seeing other people download something you've spent hours crafting. Nobody's saying you have to slave over that painstaking version of Cody Rhodes either; uploading something random is just as much fun. This writer wants the world to meet his broken brain, basically.

2K enhanced the CAW suite with some funky new tools that make creations a bit higher-res too. It feels way easier than it did before to make a wrestler who looks every bit as good as someone already on WWE's roster. That was never the case in previous WWE 2K titles.

You'll get a kick out of seeing even a handful of folks hitting the download button on your hard work. Seriously, it's a really rewarding process to see the numbers skyrocket for your CAW, especially if they're a bit daft.

Obviously, the world needs updated Doink The Clown spin offs.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.