WWE 2K22: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

3. Watch A Royal Rumble

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games

Yes, watch.

It's pure chaos to watch the AI batter itself in a 30-man Royal Rumble. This is actually something yours truly used to do in the Rumble game on Mega Drive/Genesis, but he never thought he'd have just as much of a giggle doing it in 2022 as a 34 year old man. You learn something new every day.

This dude set up a Rumble, picked Brock and randomised the entry point. To his surprise, he had way more of a laugh watching the mayhem before entering as #24 than playing. Diesel was #1 and lasted right until the end - he eliminated no less than 10 other wrestlers and looked like he was winning the whole thing.

There was also a stand off between The Rock and John Cena that almost looked like a scripted scene from promotional screenshots. The whole thing was a blast. Yeah, shove on a Rumble and watch it play out. It's a trip.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.