WWE 2K22: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

2. Dip A Toe Into MyRise

WWE 2K22 CM Punk
2K Games

Don't sleep on MyRise, because there's more to do here than you might be expecting. Sure, the story is standard TV movie fare, but the mode itself seems pretty fun. Starting at the Performance Center, interacting with some of the fake trainees in your class and bantering with legends like Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg is good clean fun.

That "fun" word is getting some workout this year.

It's also sweet to see a clear difference between male and female career paths. MyRise has replayability, which couldn't be said of the old MyCareer guff. That was a grind; MyRise is more of a 'play at your own pace' kind of tale. You don't have to see and do everything during your first play through either.

There are bags of side quests here, and you'll probs miss a fair few first time. That's fine, 'cause this is your story. You decide what to do and how best to experience it. 2K are onto a winner if they continue to hone things next year.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.