WWE 2K22: 15 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

13. Xia Li

WWE 2K22 Paige
2K Games

Creator: matthewjed

Downloads: 667

Xia Li will arrive in your download folders on 19 July - she's part of RVD's 'Whole Dam' pack alongside the likes of Logan Paul and erm...Machine Gun Kelly. No, it doesn't make sense that Li is in with that crew, but it is what it is, and at least she's on the way.

Until then, give matthewjed's 'Protector' CAW a look.

There are some seriously iffy Xia models on Community Creations, so skip those and head straight to Matthew's creation hub. This twin attack pack comes with both green and red ring attire for Li. That's a nice touch.

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