WWE 2K22: 15 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

12. Aliyah

WWE 2K22 Paige
2K Games

Creator: Blunty

Downloads: 1,753

Aliyah is another current worker who was completely missed off 2K22's roster. In fairness, she only made her SmackDown debut last November, and the developers had probs finalised the character list by then. Still, she was on NXT before that, so it's not like Aliyah just signed late-last year.

Praise be to Blunty then.

They've put together a lovely Aliyah CAW that means the bubbly star at least has some involvement in the new game. Less than 2,000 people have downloaded this one. Get on Community Creations and show some support for the overlooked babyface.

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