WWE 2K22: 15 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

9. Queen Zelina

WWE 2K22 Paige
2K Games

Creator: Harrison

Downloads: 910

Time to take a little break from AEW for a second, and discuss something that's bugging the hell out of many who picked up 2K22 on day one: Queen Zelina isn't in the game at all. Why?! She's one of the reigning Women's Tag-Team Champs (at least for now), and even won WWE's first ever Queen's Crown tournament.

What a slap in the face.

Vega isn't even included as a non-playable manager either. She's totally absent from the game, which just feels wrong. Thankfully, Harrison's handiwork eases the pain somewhat. Their Zelina CAW is well-worth a download as soon as you buy the game.

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