WWE 2K22: 15 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

8. Hikaru Shida

WWE 2K22 Paige
2K Games

Creator: FighterFanIT

Downloads: 1,508

Back to Tony Khan's promotion.

What a way to return too - Hikaru Shida still sits alone as the longest-reigning AEW Women's Champion yet. Britt Baker's loss to Thunder Rosa means the dentist can't match Shida's whopping 372-day stint with the belt. Maybe you can give her an even longer one in Universe?

FighterFanIT's Hikaru comes pre-armed with two different attires (that second one, in particular, is flawless) that you need to check out right now. The creator must be a mega-fan of Shida's, 'cause they've put a lot of thought into every aspect of the design.

This was a labour of love.

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