WWE 2K22: 15 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

14. Rick Rude

WWE 2K22 Sting
2K Games

Creator: KeyboardHouseSaysSo

Downloads: 1,711

Bobby Heenan is available as a manager in 2K22, but there's no 'Ravishing' Rick Rude. That's a pity, not least because Heenan and Rude were gold together in the late-1980s/early-90s. This CAW pack comes with two different attires for the mega-ripped technician with the swivelling hips too.

That makes it worth your time.

For hilarious/unrealistic results, pre-set Rick's entrance to use Carmella's moves. No, no this will never get old. Seriously though, KeyboardHouseSaysSo deserves to see those download numbers go up and up over the next few months. Add to the count by downloading their Rude creation right now.

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