WWE 2K22: 15 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

13. Dusty Rhodes

WWE 2K22 Sting
2K Games

Creator: cnotesphoiclo

Downloads: 6,964

Then, go clobberin' with the 'American Dream'.

Some will bemoan the complete lack of polka dots in this CAW. Others, meanwhile, will be thankful that cnotesploiclo decided to go old school NWA with this Dusty Rhodes model and ignore Vince McMahon's ribbing days. This is a homage to the glory days of Dust.

Both attires in the download are wonderfully-recreated, and the character's face is spot on. That's not always a given with CAWS (even some of the better ones), so it's nice to see. One can almost hear Rhodes yelling, "HE GOT A BICYCLE" when looking at this one.

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