WWE 2K22: 49 Playable Wrestlers Who WON'T Return

7. Christian

WWE 2K22
2K Games

Christian, Christian! At last, you're on your oooooown.

Remember that old entrance track? It's the perfect musical accompaniment for this entry, because AEW's Christian Cage is no longer Edge's shadow in WWE's games. Being brutally honest, that's all he was really good for in 2K's series - reliving the old "flash photography" days in tags was a riot.

A hidden upside to Christian's exclusion from 2K22 is that he deserves to stand on his own merits in AEW's forthcoming release. Plus, gamers are much more likely to use Edge as a singles pick anyway due to his real-life solo run on TV opposite Roman Reigns.

One final point on Christian: Cage's character model was horrible in WWE 2K22. He wasn't alone there, in fairness, but man - that's just a good pic above. The lighting engine masks so much during entrances. Come match time, Christian resembled a waxy Ken doll more than his real-life self.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.