WWE 2K22: 49 Playable Wrestlers Who WON'T Return

6. Rusev

WWE 2K22
2K Games

Brace for some dire news, people.

You won't be able to recreate Rusev's absolutely awesome, super-fun and critically-acclaimed cuckold feud with Bobby Lashley from a few years ago in WWE 2K22. Take a minute to mourn the loss of this possibility, then snap out of it and realise that nobody would want to do that sh*t anyway.

This gamer enjoyed using Rusev properly in-game, admittedly. Ignoring crappy real-world WWE booking and turning the 'Bulgarian Brute' into a pixellated force (and multi-time World Champion) was fun, but the ride is over. Ru-Ru is also one of many who would've been cast out for 2K21 had 2K not skipped a year in their long-running franchise.

That, much like his leap to AEW, was probably for the best. As Miro, the formerly-overlooked favourite is finally coming into his own. Almost hilariously, the reigning TNT Champ would be exactly the kind of worker ripe for CAW treatment in WWE games too.

Now, that's your only choice.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.