WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

13. Triple H

WWE 2K22 Edge
2K Games/WWE

WWE 2K20 Rating: 89

Predicted Rating: 90

There was a time when 'The Game' couldn't be shown in a compromising position in screenshots for WWE video games. No, seriously. Those days are gone for NXT's daddy, but Triple H remains a powerhouse in the digital realm. 2K20 proved that - his 89 rating angered some.

If so, then this will p*ss those same folks right off.

Yep, Trips needs to go up a point to 90. Why, you ask? It's borderline revenge for 'Mania XII if anything. Big Paul should rank higher than The Ultimate Warrior, and he must also be competitive with (without topping) other major stars past and present.

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