WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

12. Randy Orton

WWE 2K22 Edge
2K Games/WWE

WWE 2K20 Rating: 88

Predicted Rating: 90

Some will also argue until they're blue in the face that Randy Orton's current tag-team status should mean he's sufficiently weaker in 2K22. This guy isn't having any of that chat. If anything, he believes Randy should be the difference-maker in his RK-Bro team alongside (mid-80s rated) Riddle.

That's how they're presented on TV, at least.

Loads of gamers out there will still want to use Orton as a singles star away from Raw's tripped-out, scooter-loving weirdo. That's why he needs to get a two-point increase from 88 to 90. Rather neatly, that'd also make Randy and Triple H neck-and-neck whenever they're in matches together.

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