WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

9. Mansoor

WWE 2K22 Sami Zayn
2K Games

WWE 2K20 Rating: N/A

Predicted Rating: 73

"Hasn't been up to much".

Doesn't that describe Mansoor's main roster career perfectly? He was cast as a wet-behind-the-ears rookie after years of winning on Saudi Arabian supercards, then fell in with Mustafa Ali for a union that went nowhere. That inauspicious run will be mimicked in 2K22.

73 maybe even seems a little generous.

Mansoor is set to become to 2K22 what Rico was to SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth. In other words, he's a wrestler few will bother to pick when firing up the game. His only hope for future titles is to become something more on real life WWE TV.

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