WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

18. Cameron Grimes

WWE 2K22 Sami Zayn
2K Games

WWE 2K20 Rating: N/A

Predicted Rating: 76

The bold Cameron Grimes is the only NXT star on this list. Why? Well, it's frankly far-fetched to imagine that many of the 2.0 crew will make it into 2K22. Some of them barely even come across as "WWE Superstars" (not yet, at least).

Mr. Grimes is different.

He's been an NXT stalwart, but that won't be enough to save him from a lower overall rating in the new game. This will be Cam's video game bow though, so 76 isn't anything to sniff at. He has time yet to improve that over the next few series entries.

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