WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

17. Dominik Mysterio

WWE 2K22 Sami Zayn
2K Games

WWE 2K20 Rating: N/A

Predicted Rating: 75

Dominik's daddy Rey Mysterio netted a strong 86 score in 2K20. His offspring won't come anywhere close to that in 2K22 - it's much more realistic to expect a rating in the mid-70s for Dom. He's been cast as a bit of a rookie pest to Rey in 2021, so falling a full 11 points short of daddio makes sense.

The Mysterio clan's next generation is more fledgling future great than surefire solo success when Rey eventually steps away. 2K must go slow with him and remember that ratings above 80 are for the best of the best.

Dom isn't quite there yet.

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