WWE 2K22 Wishlist: 10 Things Fans NEED To See

7. Zero Microtransactions

WWE 2K22
2K Games

It's maybe (definitely?) unrealistic to suggest this, but seeing the back of microtransactions would be nice after years of suffering them. Gamers can barely boot up any modern sports-style title without being bashed over the head with pop-ups that offer "Bonus Content" or, "More Value" for their already-expensive software.

2K's WWE series is no different, but...read the room, lads.

2K20 was such a catastrophe that peeps are looking for any reason to rag on its follow up. So, in other words, 2K can't be seen to try and fleece fans for some extra cash. Once they've paid for 2K22's disc/download, that should be it. This is the year to leave pre-order specials and awkward attempts to withhold content until later on out of the release strategy.

Last time, Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' character was the pre-order carrot. For 2K22, every essential modern WWE wrestler must be on-disc from the off. The game is an apology, not another quick cash grab.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.