WWE 2K22 Wishlist: 10 Things Fans NEED To See

6. Indy Implementation

WWE 2K22
2K Games

AEW is doing a fine job of cutting deals with everyone from New Japan to IMPACT. OK, so that won't be a dealbreaker for 90% of fans who tune into Dynamite, but it's still nice to see pro wrestling promotions coming together (or, at the very least, acknowledging one another's existence).

WWE can make use of their own partnerships in 2K22 as well.

Why not? Vinnie Mac's group has links to EVOLVE, wXw and ICW. There's no reason why arenas, logos and perhaps even a wrestler or two from those places can't show up in 2K22. If WWE don't fancy showing them off immediately, then they can hide such treats away as unlockables for completing certain objectives.

Sure, Community Creations will have much of this covered, and that's fine. However, wouldn't it be cool to see some official acknowledgement from WWE itself here? All of their indy affiliates would be delighted to be involved, and they'd make 2K22 feel like more of an all-round wrestling game to boot.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.