WWE 2K23: 10 Best Looking Characters

8. AJ Styles

WWE 2K23 Rhea Ripley
2K Games

Admittedly, AJ Styles would be higher on the list if he didn't have that whole "dead eyes" thing going on. They're not that bad, to be fair, but definitely stand out towards the end of his entrance routine when he's waiting on an opponent.

Despite that, AJ's model is phenomenally (ahem) produced. It's defo one of the better ones in this year's game, and acts as a reminder that 2K can do hair when they really want to. Hmm, maybe it's easier when hair is shoulder length instead of flowing all the way down a wrestler's torso?

That's just a guess, to be honest.

The famed lightning engine kicks in to turn Styles' character into quite the looker. His 'hood flip' entrance is amazingly fluid, and 2K has done a sterling job of catching AJ's veteran swagger as he marches down the ramp to the ring.

Yep, this is another win for the artists.

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