WWE 2K23: 10 Changes Fans Demand

6. A Free Roam Drone Cam

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Boot up most video game reviews and you'll hear at least one or two lines about camera controls. Granted, that's not always a major issue in wrestling games, because ye olde trusty hard cam wide shot means everything is in frame when it needs to be. Fine, but...what about roaming cams you can actually control?

No, not those ringside lads and lassies who occasionally get in the way and end up eating gym mats for their troubles - yours truly is talking about an actual drone camera that zips around 2K's arena to give gamers unparalleled control over how they view the action.

There's no good reason why this has never been done during gameplay. Giving players some fresh perspectives (or the ability to choose their own) would spice up matches nicely and capture more of the in-arena atmosphere 2K has been working on into the bargain.

Screw the hard cam, man.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.