WWE 2K23: 10 Changes Fans Demand

3. A More Coherent Showcase Mode

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Including the bonus bout, Rey Mysterio's WWE 2K22 Showcase featured 12 full matches. These ranged from obvious career highlights like Eddie Guerrero at WCW's Halloween Havoc 1997 to fun diversions like a match with The Undertaker from Royal Rumble 2010.

That last one wasn't the most memorable Rey moment, but it made more sense than wrestling Gran Metalik on a random episode of Raw in September 2019. Why was that one involved in a Mysterio career retrospective? It's hardly some landmark occasion people look back on fondly.

2K must sort this out for 2K23's Showcase, whatever that might look like.

They should also quit subjects aimlessly drifting between kayfabe and reality during those sit-down interviews between playable chunks. Christ, WWE Network's in-house documentaries gave more insight that Rey did on his own career!

If the developers can't furnish this mode with a watertight selection of historic matches, then they shouldn't bother at all.

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