WWE 2K23: 10 Changes Fans Demand

2. Or One Less-Reliant On QTEs

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Listen, seeing real-life footage spliced with gameplay was awesome, and it was one of the main highlights from Rey's Showcase in 2K22. Sadly, it's nonetheless true that Showcase remains a chugging quick-time-event-heavy experience, and one that's not all that fun to plough through.

Surely 2K could give fans nostalgia kicks in a less tedious way?

QTEs are fine in moderation, but when they're the entire mechanic powering a whole mode? Nah, that needs to be changed. Granted, it's tough when Showcase is supposed to be a semi-rigid, on-rails experience anyway, but surely something can be done to make the mode more of a giggle.

Currently, players are more anxious about missing one of the objectives, and that means they're not soaking in all the painstaking attention to detail. Being honest, simply having a list of matches and cutscenes with looser goals like, 'Win The Match' or 'Put Shawn Michaels Through A Table' would be better.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.