WWE 2K23: 10 Rumours You Need To Know
Edge's grand farewell tour? 2K's last WWE game?! All the latest WWE 2K23 rumours.

Hopes are high that WWE 2K23 will follow on from the success of 2K22 by delivering yet another fun experience. Will that make up for the miserable failures of 2K20? Hmm, opinions may vary on that one, but most agree that 2K's latest entry was a respectable return to form.
At least the thing worked! Nobody could say that about 2K20 - it was one of the most broken, glitchy and all-round depressing games of the last console generation, and WWE higher-ups were probs embarrassed that it carried their license. So, what does the future hold?
If you believe the rumours, a lot.
Obviously, given that this is all conjecture from social media and fans of the series, you should take these rumours with a pinch of salt. Online chatter on 2K23 includes guesswork about everything from the game's cover stars and who snags the Showcase spot, to reworked game mechanics and even DLC.
The next entry could also be used as a farewell (yes, another goodbye) for one of WWE's favourite sons, and it might even be the last WWE game 2K gets to make full stop...
10. The Release Date

First things first. When can you play it?
2K22 launched on 11 March 2022, which was around three weeks before WrestleMania 38. That gave fans caught in the 'Mania fever some time to fiddle around with things like MyGM, MyRise and the new gameplay mechanics before sitting down to watch their faves on WWE's grandest stage.
It'd take a brave person to predict something different next year, but some reckon 2K23 will release before this year's Survivor Series; given that 2K hasn't even fed much info to the media, that's very unlikely. No, you should expect to get your hands on 2K23 shortly before 'Mania 39.
The most popular guess out there is that the game will launch on 10 March 2023. That'd be one day shy of a full year for 2K, which makes sense. It also looks like the days of pre-Christmas releases are in the series' past. 2K20 might've killed that vibe.