WWE 2K23: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

7. Reworked Royal Rumbles?

WWE 2K23 Edge
2K Games

Reddit threads are also alive with conjecture about reworked Royal Rumbles.

Rumours here include wrestlers who are allied in the game's algorithms actually working together during 30-man/woman matches. On the flip side, enemies would be scripted to go after their rivals (or at least prioritise doing so) as soon as they enter the fray.

This makes total sense, and it's somewhat of a shocker that 2K hasn't included a feature like it before now. Tag-teams really should be double-teaming opponents, and factions definitely need to start working together until things inevitably break down and they have to fight. "Every man/woman for him/herself", and all that.

There could be something in all this scuttlebutt, because Rumbles/multi-mans in general have needed a bit of tinkering for years now. They're a bit chaotic. That's fine for a while, but they do become a glitchy mess of tangled animations the longer they go on, so it'd be nice to see changes.

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