WWE 2K23: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

6. Cody Rhodes = DLC?!

WWE 2K23 Edge

Surely not.

Oh yes, Twitter seems to believe that the 'Grandson Of A Plumber' will be dangled in front of fans as a pre-order only bonus. Remember the way 2K used Bray Wyatt's alter ego 'The Fiend' a few years back? They dangled that carrot in front of folks and used it as an incentive to buy the game pre-launch before reviews rolled in.

Could they try the same trick with Cody Rhodes? Stranger things have happened, but 2K must read the room and realise they don't have a ton of credit in the bank with wrestling fans these days. Basically, they're still trying to apologise for the nightmare that was WWE 2K20, and that could scupper this potential plan.

However, if it's not Cody then someone else fans want to play as will surely be locked behind a pre-order paywall. That sucks for anyone hoping to get an exhaustive WWE experience on-disc, but it's just how games work these days.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.