WWE 2K23: 10 Things You NEED To Do First

5. Beat Up John Cena

WWE 2K23
2K Games

There's something amusing about John Cena's Showcase in 2K23. It exists solely so you can slap the p*ss out of the icon countless times; meanwhile, "Big Match John" narrates the action and gives insight into where he was in his career at that point. It's a winning blend of sameness (Cena's involvement) and uniqueness (getting to play as loads of different wrestlers against him).

This change alone makes Showcase worth trying even if it isn't typically your sort of thing. Also, those who sighed when they saw the match list for Rey Mysterio's Showcase in 2K22 should breathe easy, because 2K got it right in 2K23.

It's time to beat up John Cena!

Despite being advertised as the main mode, Showcase won't hoover up most of your time this year. It's an on-rails experience that totally lacks of the personalised feel of almost every other mode in the game, but it's still worth seeing once.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.