WWE 2K23: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

9. Matt Jackson

2K Games

Creator: IconicCaws

Downloads: 4,772

It will always baffle this writer when workers who wrestle almost exclusively as tag-teams have different download counts on the Community Creations servers. Nick Jackson has 4,888 downloads, but his brother Matt only has 4,772. Huh?! That doesn't really make much sense at all.

Surely you'd want both Young Bucks if you were going to download them at all, no?

Regardless, Matt is as high-quality as his brother. These might be the best Bucks CAWs this series has ever seen, being honest. Remember the crappy ones people were forced to use in games like 2K17? Yeah, those days are a distant memory now.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.