WWE 2K23: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

8. Kenny Omega

2K Games

Creator: IconicCaws

Downloads: 10,724

Of course, if you're going to complete The Elite set, then you need one Kenny Omega. It's no surprise to see that Iconic's version of the "Best Bout Machine" is already cracking the 10,000 mark in WWE 2K23. Gamers are likely nabbing Omega, then putting him in dream matches against dudes like Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins.

Oh, the possibilities.

Kenny vs. GUNTHER was this fan's choice in his own Universe Mode save. They've gone on to have quite the feud that peaked come SummerSlam for the Intercontinental Title. Just saying. Take that, Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect from 1991!

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