WWE 2K23: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

13. Will Ospreay

WWE 2K23 Jon Moxley
2K Games


Downloads: 4,774

Most CAW hoarders know there's more to the Community Creations suite than just AEW or ex-WWE stars/legends. It's also possible to grab some unbelievable builds for pro wrestlers plying their trade elsewhere. Case in point: Mr. Will Ospreay here.

His New Japan model is awesome, not least because it comes pre-packed with two different ring attires that keep things fresh when you're using him in Universe. 2K's superstar-specific spin off for the sandbox mode was made for downloading characters like Ospreay and turning him into a WWE sensation.

Facially, DMBGAMING managed to get his likeness eerily accurate.

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