WWE 2K23: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately

12. Corey Graves

WWE 2K23 Jon Moxley
2K Games

Creator: WhatsTheStatus

Downloads: 13,809

There are all sorts of rumours flying around about Corey Graves someday returning to WWE rings, at least for a match or two. Admittedly, it is kinda strange that WhatsTheStatus kept him in his commentary getup as the default setting, but just check out that alt gear on the right there.

That's what anyone headhunting a Graves CAW wants.

Of course, you can always plunge into the creation suite yourself and switch those attire slots. Do that, and Corey becomes a full-time member of the WWE roster all over again. He'll still announce his own bouts unless you switch comms off though.

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